Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dark Avengers #1

  • Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

  • Art: Mike Deodato

  • Color: Rain Beredo

In 650 AD, Morgan Le Fay uses the magic of Avalon to search in time for her betrayer and former lover Victor Doom. She finds him in the, by now famous, meeting with Norman Osborn.

Then, cut to the present, the new Avengers are unveiled for the first time to the public. Next scenes show the week leading up to the formation of the new Avengers:

One week before: Norman Osborn meets with Victoria Hand and assigns her as the new Deputy Director of H.A.M.M.E.R., the meaning of which is one of Hand's to-do list.

Six days before: Norman Osborn invites Maria Hill to basically fire her. With Bullseye in tow, Osborn flies New York to take over the Avengers Tower.

Five days before: In Avengers Tower, Carol Danvers refuses to join the ranks of Snetry and Ares in the new Avengers that Osborn is forming. With her refusal, he finds Moonstone on the Thunderbolts Mountain where he gave her the original Ms. Marvel costume.

Also, Marc Gargan/Venom, after feeding on one of the captured Skrulls, was given a new drug by Osborn which would preserve his powers but make him presentable. After taking the drug, the symbiote becomes "placid" and Venom reverts to the original form of the black-costume Spider-Man -- he even posed in the same way Spider-Man posed in the original Secret Wars when he first got the black costume.

Four days before: Osborn, Ms. Hand, and Ares were waiting for Dakken Akihiro, Wolverine's son in a diner somewhere in New Orleans. Osborn offered him to be a part of his team.

Three days before: Osborn went to the Cube and offered Noh-Varr to become the new Captain Marvel of the new Avengers.

After assembling the team, they Osborn deduces that the team is missing something. Ares suggests that they are missing an Iron Man and Captain America - the knight and soldier.

Osborn then meets with the Ghost to gain access to Tony Stark's vault. After the vault is opened, they gained access to the Iron Man armors.

Present day, early morning: Doctor Doom is escorted by to Thunderbolts agents to Latveria, only to be greeted by a woman (whom we assume to be Morgan Le Fay).

Now: In the public debut of the Avengers, Norman Osborn reveals himself to be the leader of this group of Avengers, the Iron Patriot.

The artwork is simply amazing. Deodato's sketch is my favorite style and I hope he makes more of those fantastic images in the other Marvel titles as well.

Story-wise, the issue is very straightforward and shows distinctly how the new team was formed. They wanted to show how the Dark Avengers were formed, and there you have it. Short and sweet.

Not sure if it's just me, but I would have wanted Marvel to have expanded the story on the formation of the Avengers. In particular, how Norman Osborn came up with the new Iron Patriot armor. I just find it ridiculous that Tony Stark left the vault with all of his armors there for the likes of Osborn to find. I would have expected him somehow remotely triggered a self-destruct sequence for all of his armors. Oh well, I guess they desperately needed an Iron Patriot to make him a hero. Only question is, is this really the Starktech armor? Or one Osborn made using his own tech and just copied the trademark appearance of the Iron Man armor? Whatever the case, the color scheme of the new Iron Patriot armor for some reason actually works. I guess I'm too used to the red-gold iron man armor, so I guess the red-white-blue armor is okay.

Can't wait for this team to come to blows with the other Avengers teams. I mean, Osborn basically stole the images of the Avengers. It's only a matter of time when they come after each other, right?

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